How Give 5 Works
Each Give 5 class consists of 20-25 people who participate in five program days over five weeks (one day per week). Program days last seven hours, with lunch and snacks included. Day 1 includes a half-day orientation that enlightens classmates about issues surrounding poverty and other economic and social trends affecting the community. After lunch, the class boards a bus and tours three nonprofit organizations.

The orientation on Day 1 provides classmates with a look at issues and opportunities affecting Springfiedians’ quality of life. Program days 2-5 each begin with a one-hour classroom session consisting of presentations by selected community leaders. Community Leaders share additional insights into our community; others highlight additional volunteer opportunities. Participants then board a bus to visit five nonprofits. At least one guide is with the class at all times and coordinates each program day. Each class session is interactive, fun and social. Visits to nonprofits allow participants to “see behind the curtain” to better understand the types of volunteer opportunities available and the role these organizations play in the community. Each host organization plans an interesting, interactive and informative presentation. During the five program days, the class visits 23 nonprofits, all aligned with addressing poverty.