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Give 5

Springfield Give 5 is a “civic matchmaking” program that connects soon-to-be-Greene County, Missouri retirees and retirees ages 60 or better with meaningful volunteer opportunities that best fit their skill sets and passions. Participants learn about the most challenging problems facing their communities and uncover ways they can help make a difference in addressing those social and systemic issues.Give 5’ers are helping out in cities large and small in a variety of social impact areas, from education to health care to poverty. They bring tremendous work ethic and the experience of a lifetime of having solved problems and navigated complex issues.

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The Impact of Give 5

Communities that successfully engage the tidal wave of Baby Boomers today and over the next few years will have a competitive advantage. With their experience, expertise and passion for making a difference, these highly skilled citizens bring a wealth of knowledge to any community.

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